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Definition of as
(Entry 1 of 9)
1 : to the same degree or amount as soft as silk twice as long
2 : for instance : such as various trees, as oak or pine
3 : when considered in a specified form or relation —usually used before a preposition or a participlemy opinion as distinguished from his
conjunctionDefinition of as (Entry 2 of 9)
1 : as if He looks as he had seen a ghost.— Samuel Taylor Coleridge
2 : in or to the same degree in which soft as silk —usually used as a correlative after an adjective or adverb modified by adverbial as or soas cool as a cucumber
3 : in the way or manner that Do as I do.
4 : in accordance with what or the way in which quite good as boys go
6 : regardless of the degree to which : though Improbable as it seems, it's true.
8 : that the result is so clearly guilty as to leave no doubt
as is as it were
: in the presently existing condition without modification bought the clock at an auction as is
: as if it were so : in a manner of speaking His retirement was, as it were, the beginning of his real career.
pronounDefinition of as (Entry 3 of 9)
2 : a fact that is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent
prepositionDefinition of as (Entry 4 of 9)
1a : like sense 2 They all rose as one man.
b : like sense 1a … his face was as a mask which revealed nothing.— Max Beerbohm
2 : in the capacity, character, condition, or role of works as an editor
nounDefinition of as (Entry 5 of 9)
1a : a bronze coin of the ancient Roman republic
b : a unit of value equivalent to an as coin
2 : libra sense 2a
Definition of As (Entry 6 of 9)
symbolDefinition of As (Entry 7 of 9)
Definition of AS (Entry 8 of 9)
1 after sight
2 airspeed
3 American Samoa
4 Anglo-Saxon
5 antisubmarine
6 associate in science
prefixDefinition of as- (Entry 9 of 9)
— see ad-
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Time Traveler for as
The first known use of as was in the 12th century
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