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Definition of come
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a : to move toward something : approach Come here.
b : to move or journey to a vicinity with a specified purpose Come see us. Come and see what's going on.
c(1) : to reach a particular station in a series Now we come to the section on health.
(2) : to arrive in due course The time has come to make your decision. Has the mail come yet?
d(1) : to approach in kind or quality This comes near perfection.
(2) : to reach a condition or conclusion came to regard him as a friend Come to think of it, you may be right. The screw came loose.
e(1) : to advance toward accomplishment : come along The job is coming nicely.
(2) : to advance in a particular manner Come running when I call.
(3) : to advance, rise, or improve in rank or condition has come a long way
f : extend Her dress came to her ankles.
2a(1) : to arrive at a particular place, end, result, or conclusion came to his senses come untied He came to regret his choice.
(2) : amount The taxes on it come to more than it's worth.
b(1) : to appear to the mind The answer came to them.
(2) : to appear on a scene : make an appearance Children come equipped to learn any language.
e : to enter or assume a condition, position, or relation The artillery came into action.
f : to fall within a field of view or a range of application This comes within the terms of the treaty.
g : to issue forth A sob came from her throat.
h : to take form Churn till the butter comes.
i : to be available This model comes in several sizes. as good as they come
3 : to fall to a person in a division or inheritance of property Several thousand dollars came to him from his uncle.
5 : to turn out to be Good clothes don't come cheap.
6 : become a dream that came true
1 : to approach or be near (an age) a child coming eight years old
2 : to take on the aspect of come the stern parent
come a cropper come across come again come clean come into come into one's own come of age come off it come over come to come to grief come to grips with come to oneself come to pass come to terms come upon to come
: to fail completely The plan came a cropper.
: to meet, find, or encounter especially by chance Researchers have come across important new evidence.
: repeat also : to speak further —used as an interrogative
: to tell the whole story : confess came clean about her crimes
: to acquire as a possession or achievement come into a fortune
: to achieve one's potential He had a slow start as a pitcher, but he's come into his own this season. also : to gain recognition
: to reach maturity Your class has come of age at a moment of great consequence for our nation and for the world …— Barack Obama
: to cease foolish or pretentious talk or behavior Come off it, you're being silly.
: to seize suddenly and strangely What's come over you?
: to be a question of When it comes to pitching horseshoes, he's the champ.
: to encounter misfortune (such as calamity, defeat, or ruin) His campaign came to grief.
: to meet or deal with firmly, frankly, or straightforwardly come to grips with the unemployment problem
: to get hold of oneself : regain self-control But when he came to himself he said, "How many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and to spare … " — Luke 15:17 (Revised Standard Version)
: happen Many of the things he predicted have come to pass.
1 : to reach an agreement —often used with withThe company has come to terms with the union.
2 : to become adjusted especially emotionally or intellectually —usually used with withcome to terms with modern life
: to meet or find by chance : come across came upon an old friend
: existing or arriving in the future in the days to come There will be more trouble to come.
nounvariants: or less commonly cum
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The first known use of come was before the 12th century
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