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Definition of then
(Entry 1 of 3)
1 : at that time
2a : soon after that : next in order of time walked to the door, then turned
b : following next after in order of position, narration, or enumeration : being next in a series first came the clowns, and then came the elephants
c : in addition : besides then there is the interest to be paid
3a : as a necessary consequence if the angles are equal, then the complements are equal
b(1) : in that case take it, then, if you want it so much
(2) —used after but to qualify or offset a preceding statementshe lost the race, but then she never really expected to win
c : according to that : as may be inferred your mind is made up, then
d : as it appears : by way of summing up the cause of the accident, then, is established
and then some
: with much more in addition would require all his strength and then some
nounDefinition of then (Entry 2 of 3)
: that time since then, he's been more cautious
adjectiveDefinition of then (Entry 3 of 3)
: existing or acting at or belonging to the time mentioned the then secretary of state
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Time Traveler for then
The first known use of then was before the 12th century
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